Eternium rover
Eternium rover

eternium rover

It's a cycle that can help you to flat out your early curve or to find you an answer to clear that threat with your Rush minion. The second Warrior card amongst Top 5 cards that are rotating out is here for the same reason as the Eternium Rover above - he can simply fit into any Warrior deck.

eternium rover

So-called "tutor" cards were always strong in any card game, and it's not any different with Hearthstone. All in all, probably one of the strongest 1-drops Warrior ever had, in line with N'Zoth's First Mate. He works great with many Warrior whirlwind effects, which can provide you with a ton of armour if you manage to magnetize something bing on it. In the early game, he helps you not to fall behind on the board with early trades against Tempo classes like Rogue and Hunter, with some extra armour on the top of that. The fact that he cost only one mana and has 3 HP makes him a perfect target for powerful magnetic Mech minions, like Zilliax for example.

eternium rover

Eternium Rover was excellent in almost any warrior deck, and that's why he remains popular to this day. This small Mech came with The Boomsday expansion and immediately became a pivotal card in many Warrior decks. As is established since the early days of Hearthstone, 1-mana 1/3 statline was always powerful, especially if it comes with additional useful effects.

Eternium rover