Age of wonders planetfall install mod
Age of wonders planetfall install mod

age of wonders planetfall install mod age of wonders planetfall install mod

The AI will now tech up and use high tier mods as the turns progress.Ĭurrent game against very hard AI (Xenoplague Syndicate). VS all hard AIs, I noticed the neighbor AI that I started a war with early on was sending 2 stacks or so, but around turn 80+ the other AIs were sending 3-5 stacks to attack, and keeping something like 10 stacks to defend their territory. Usually after an AI declares war, they'll start sending a few stacks to attack you, depending on how far along the game is. They don't expand very well, but they're pretty aggressive at the higher difficulties. Originally posted by revjwh:Does it expand well and attack well esp against the player?

Age of wonders planetfall install mod